Saturday, January 19, 2008

Goodnight Butch

This was our nightly routine. : )

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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My First Video

Cross country skiing with my dad at Notchview.

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Monday, January 14, 2008

Snowed in and working from home.

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Saturday, January 05, 2008

Meanwhile I stand in the same dark peace as any pine tree

Walking Home from Oak-Head
by Mary Oliv

There is something

about the snow-laden sky
in the winter
in the late afternoon

that brings to the heart elation
and the lovely meaninglessness
of time.
Whenever I get home - whenever -

somebody loves me there.
I stand in the same dark peace
as any pine tree,

or wander on slowly
like the still unhurried wind,
as for a gift,

for the snow to begin
which it does
as first casually,
then, irrepressibly.

Wherever else I live -
in music, in words
in the fires of the heart,
I abide just as deeply

in this nameless, indivisible place,
this world,
which is falling apart now,
which is white and wild,

Which is faithful beyond all our expressions of faith,
our deepest prayers.
Don't worry, sooner or later I'll be home.
Red-cheeked from the roused wind,

I'll stand in the doorway
stamping my boots and slapping my hands,
my shoulders
covered with stars.

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Friday, January 04, 2008

Pancakes Barbara

One of the highlights of the New Year's retreat I attended in CT was the No-Talent Show. Since learning of the show back in August, I had been wrestling with whether or not I would get up and do a little juggling. I brought some props and said yes when asked. I was ridiculously nervous, even though there could not be a more enthusiastic and supportive audience.

I worked up a little magic and juggling routine with my friend Nick who appeared as my lovely assistant, Miss Direction. Despite a modest number of drops, I managed to pull off a solid performance of juggling and card manipulation and some entertaining bits with Nick. I was having fun, and I think that came across (despite my wistful expression in the photo.)

However, the uncontested shining star of the show was the dazzling Pancakes Barbara who did an encore performance of the number that won her the Miss Sobriety crown recently in NYC. I'm told the gown, the hair, and the personality are an historically accurate nod to some movie musical performance, but alas I never paid attention in Gay Camp 101 so I'm not sure of the exact reference. However, it is obvious to anyone that Pancakes has class, poise, personality and a riveting connection with her audience. Her performance below from the Miss Sobriety Pageant is a study in specificity. That gal is going places!

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Farewell Butch, Hello Kitteh

This post is long overdue. At the end of the summer, Butch went snurfling off to greener pastures. He was ancient -- fully three years past his expiration date. On his last active day (he had a fall the following morning) he frolicked in the water at camp and gamboled around like a puppy.

We scattered his ashes over the lake. I miss him deeply. Even now.

After a few months of mourning, I began thinking about getting a Siamese cat. I researched the breed, and read that they have many dog-like qualities. And because I live alone, I thought a cat might more tolerant of me being gone for a day now and again.

I spoke with a few breeders and even went to a cat show in Springfield. (If you thought the characters in Best in Show were eccentric, go to a cat show!) After a few false starts, I arranged to adopt two adult sisters from a cattery in Eastern Mass. While pedigree kittens are expensive, breeders will often retire their adults after a few years virtually for free.

So, my sisters are retired show girls, mothers many times over, and are washed up and dried out at the ripe old age of two.

Their names were Glitter and The Lady Elizabeth. I didn't think I could be a gay man living alone with a Siamese cat named Glitter. So I renamed them. The seal-point is Sedna and the lilac-point is Ateh.

I'm so in love with them, it's embarrassing. They sleep with me, they curl up together, they play and wrestle with me and with each other. They fetch. (Really!) They come when I call them. They knock shit over. And they yowl and purr. Loudly. : )

Meet the kitteh!

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